Monday, October 30, 2006

A Relevant Gospel

There is always a lot of talk about the Holy Spirit. Infact the subject has often divided church's and separated denominations. The debate rages on about the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit as well. I am not here today to debate either of these issues but to bring perspective on the work of the Holy Spirit in our every day lives to reach the world around us.

The day of Pentecost was an exciting day. Thousands upon thousands of people gathered for this Jewish holiday, from nation upon nation. In Acts chapters 1&2 we see the disciples waiting just as Jesus had told them to. Then swoooosh, the Holy Spirit ascended upon them and they began to speak in many of the languages of the people around them. Everyone heard they way God wanted them to hear. Not only were the words spoken in their language, but the Holy Spirit also presented the Gospel through the apostles that struck a chord with the culture that surrounded them. Peter spoke a sermon that pierced their hearts, another work of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes I wonder if the church in general has lost touch with the culture around us, and maybe we are failing to listen to the Holy Spirit in this manner. I have tried hard many times to consider what it is that the church needs to do to reach those around us, maybe were just not speaking thier language?

Rob Bell, a prominent speaker and church leader has put together some very powerful videos, called Nooma videos. One of these videos speaks of our relationship with God like a symphony, with every part being in tune, playing the right notes to move us. A song the world does not understand. Yet for some reason, our song fails to even get their attention, or even spark their curiosity. No one wants to buy our CD.

I don't have all the answers. The truth is, I see a need for churches across America to make Jesus relevant. We must meet the culture where they are because they are not coming to us. The problem is, I'm not sure what that looks like. Is it music style? Is it programing? Is it outreach? Is it service projects? Is it outreach? Is it Sunday School? Is it 40 days of purpose? Is it food drives, potlucks, or Roundup Sunday's? Is it in the Men's ministry, the youth ministry, or the children's ministry? Is it in the church or outside of it's 4 walls? Truthfully I don't know. What I do know is that if we are not careful we could lose a generation.

Let us all call on the Holy Spirit, to show us how to reach our lost cities. Let's focus on ministry outside the box, let's make Jesus relevant. If not you than who?

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Today, October 28th is my birthday. Birthday's are fun and enjoyable, infact let me tell you about my birthday this year. I got one pulled over on me. Can you believe it? My wife, for some time, has been planning a birthday surprise and sure enough, I was surprised. I pulled into the Pinnochios pizza and thought I recognized a few cars, then upon walking through the door I heard a loud SURPRISE! and that suprise was for me. It was the largest birthday party I have ever had, about 60 people showed up to party on my birthday. It was extremely special.

Tonight I will most likely be spending my birthday the way most men should, steak, football and pigs in a blanket. mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Deep Thinking. . . .

Here is a very interesting blog by Gary Shavey from the He dives straight into the issue of abortion and tackles the faulty idea of "pro-choice." It takes some brain power and a few minutes to read, but I think you will dig it.

No Such Thing as Pro-Choice

Counter Culture

This is a very difficult subject for me as a pastor. To be honest, I truly think that the church has often times failed to reach the culture because of the fear we have of it. I have a problem when the church, or people of the church, choose to hide from the reality around them. We have created a "Christianized" subculture, so that we never need to deal with the reality around us. There is Christian News, Christian Music, Christian TV, Christian coffee shops, you name it, we have our own brand. Now, non of these is bad. I prefer my youth to listen to positive music, and wholesome TV but we have to be careful that we don't surround ourselves only with Christian things and tell the rest of the world to go to hell.

Truthfully we are not called to look like the culture around us. We are called by God to be different, to be "aliens." John reminds us throughout his letters that world hates us, and that we are not supposed to be people of the world. Yet, he also calls us to be in the world and showing the love of God to those around us. Jesus perfected this as he ate with sinners. He was a strong example of someone who lived in the world, or culture, but was not of the culture that surrounded him.

We are coming onto a heavily debated holiday. The holiday of Halloween. The truth is, the foundation of this holiday is purely pagan. Many look at this as a reason to stay away from being any part of this holiday. I, on the other hand, look at it as such a wonderful opportunity to show the love of Jesus to people who have no idea what they are celebrating. This day we will have the opportunity to meet hundreds of people we would not normally associate with, hundreds of people that would not normally knock on our door and I would suggest we should not take this day for granted.Here are a few ways that we can affect our culture positively for Christ during Halloween:

  1. Dress positively. I look forward to my daughters wanting to be princessess because that is exactly what they are, and there Father in heaven is the ultimate KING. Dress like a character from the Bible, or like Superman. (I love the line in Superman Returns when Jesus is over looking the city and he asks Lois if she hears anything, she cannot, but Superman hears the world calling out for a Savior)
  2. Put an advertisment for your church's Children's program in with their candy. I always remember the house on my street that gave out apples. Com'on apples on Halloween. That's rediculus, but she was so nice about it, I had to get on every year. Sometimes things besides candy can be uplifiting.
  3. Host a get together at your house, or at the local church. We have a family in our church who has invited every child from all three classes at their school. What an awesome outreach, what a great reason to get together. Most families are looking for a safe enviroment to enjoy Halloween, lets provide it.
  4. Have fun. No one likes a fuddy duddy. Truthfully, most people don't even understand Halloween. What they can understand is your love and caring for them.
    Be a light to your world, don't hide your light. What Would Jesus Do? I bet he'd take his love to the trick-o-treaters, shouldn't you!


Monday, October 09, 2006

What a trip. The last few months have probably been the wildest time of my life. After accepting the position as pastor of the Church of Christ in Cottage Grove my life has dramatically changed and I must, it has been a wild ride. Regardless what happens, I must say this has been a decision that I will not regret. In a nut shell, I have a unique opportunity to take a church back to the effectiveness it once had in a city that needs Jesus. What a trip.

The first thing that needs to happen with this church is an attitude focus. For so long we have not done the things that it takes to prepare yourself for ministry. We are focusing our attention on building our love, our faith and our ultimately our unity. God has never asked us to maintain anything, the church is called to move forward, to take ground in the name of Jesus. Yet, we have to approach this with a clear sense of unity and oneness because no one will accomplish this task alone. This task will only be accomplished if we are unified in the God of seek to make a difference in this world around us.

This church is well known for the many things it has done in the past. The many ministers, teachers and prominent Christian leaders that have come from this church is amazing. That is not the end of it though this is only the beginning. We are joining together to move forward, to take ground in the name of God. What a powerful testimony we have yet share, the same testimony so many of us have known in the past of this church.

So, sit back and lets see what happens. Here is the journey.

It is a pretty disturbing thing to think about the world around us and try to grasp what it all could possibly mean. Really, is there a place for God amongst the hearts of those in America? If so, how can we tap into that need? What a self sufficient people we have become. God calls but we can hardly hear him over our game boys and ipods.

This week we are going to be discussing the importance of missional ministry for everyone in our church. We all have been given a mission and pray that we are all willing to accept and are all willing to live like we have a mission.

Having a missional mindset is very difficult for most Christian people, in fact I would say, for people in general. We are all self centered and self pleasing. We look only at how things effect us, not others. This idea really hit me recently with school shootings. People throughout the country have had mixed reactions to the violence. Most consider how this has effected them and their family. I wonder if we should consider how this effects the world and the people we live around every day.

"Everyone Wants to Go to Heaven: But Nobody Wants to Die," is the title of new book by David Crowder. An interesting thought. Without reading the book I venture to guess this is a common thought for the average person. In order to spend eternity with God, we are all going to have to go through some kind of pain. The same could easily be said for our lives here on earth. Sin = pain and we are all faced with pain everyday. Are we willing to die to ourselves and throw out our selfishness and be a people on a mission to change this world for God.

People all around us are going through there own devistation. People suffering loss, people in pain, people confused, people lost. We have a unique opportunity every day, to share the love of God to everyone around us. Are you willing share this love of God, are you willing step out of your comfort zone, to die to what makes you comfortable, to share the love of God to hurting people? I am afraid that is what it is going to take, death. A death of selfishness.