There is always a lot of talk about the Holy Spirit. Infact the subject has often divided church's and separated denominations. The debate rages on about the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit as well. I am not here today to debate either of these issues but to bring perspective on the work of the Holy Spirit in our every day lives to reach the world around us.
The day of Pentecost was an exciting day. Thousands upon thousands of people gathered for this Jewish holiday, from nation upon nation. In Acts chapters 1&2 we see the disciples waiting just as Jesus had told them to. Then swoooosh, the Holy Spirit ascended upon them and they began to speak in many of the languages of the people around them. Everyone heard they way God wanted them to hear. Not only were the words spoken in their language, but the Holy Spirit also presented the Gospel through the apostles that struck a chord with the culture that surrounded them. Peter spoke a sermon that pierced their hearts, another work of the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes I wonder if the church in general has lost touch with the culture around us, and maybe we are failing to listen to the Holy Spirit in this manner. I have tried hard many times to consider what it is that the church needs to do to reach those around us, maybe were just not speaking thier language?
Rob Bell, a prominent speaker and church leader has put together some very powerful videos, called Nooma videos. One of these videos speaks of our relationship with God like a symphony, with every part being in tune, playing the right notes to move us. A song the world does not understand. Yet for some reason, our song fails to even get their attention, or even spark their curiosity. No one wants to buy our CD.
I don't have all the answers. The truth is, I see a need for churches across America to make Jesus relevant. We must meet the culture where they are because they are not coming to us. The problem is, I'm not sure what that looks like. Is it music style? Is it programing? Is it outreach? Is it service projects? Is it outreach? Is it Sunday School? Is it 40 days of purpose? Is it food drives, potlucks, or Roundup Sunday's? Is it in the Men's ministry, the youth ministry, or the children's ministry? Is it in the church or outside of it's 4 walls? Truthfully I don't know. What I do know is that if we are not careful we could lose a generation.
Let us all call on the Holy Spirit, to show us how to reach our lost cities. Let's focus on ministry outside the box, let's make Jesus relevant. If not you than who?