I spent some deep and awesome time with my wife last weekend at the Family Life Marriage Conference. Honestly, this is the first conference that I have been a part of that didn't make me feel like a schmuck. I was encourage, I was driven to try to be a better husband, a better father and ultimately a better believer. I had one of those "duh" moments that I really would like to share with you.
Here it is, the "duh" moment. I sat in the session specifically for men, and as the speaker spoke he reminded me of the importance of being a Chrsitian first and then God will be the one to help me be a better Husband, Father and person. Yeah, that's it. If I want to have a better relationship with my wife, I need to work on my relationship with Christ first and then he will show me how to be a better man. Same with my children. Same with work, entertainment, everyting! See, I always try to do it on my own. To force myself into being the right person and as I look back in my life I see that those times that I am doing stuff the way it should be done, it was because I wanted to. God planted those desires to be a godly man. See what I mean, a "duh" moment.
You see, Marriage itself is a complete God thing. He is the one who started it, defined it, gave it its perameters and ordained it. Without God, it has difficulty succeeding. With God, marriage is about making my wife happy by being the man God wants me to be. Without God, marriage is about making me happy by satisfying my desires in hope that those fit in with my wife's desires. Now, because I'm human this doesn't always work perfectly but my goals are the same, focused and fresh on being who God wants me to be, thanking him for grace and a graceful wife.
Spend some time today, focused on figuring out who God wants you to be and how that impacts every part of your life. God can help you with that. Give it to him, "duh."