The Discipline of Blogkind
I have to be honest, I am not a very good blogger. This stuff takes discipline, time and real effort. My hats off to all my fellow bloggers, who really can't even call me a blogger. An absentee blogger maybe.
I must say, I have really been encouraged by some awesome things happening here in the metropolis of Cottage Grove. I have been meetin with the local ministerial association, a group of us ministers from around Cottage Grove, and we have been putting together a plan to change the attitudes about church in our community. We are looking to bring an attitude of blessing to the city. On the National Day of Prayer, we gathered about 50 of us or so, from many of the local churches to pray for our city and city leaders. I do not envy the decisions and rulings they make and they can use our prayer. We also prayed for those within the Fire and Law Enforcement Departments. It was a great day.
This Saturday is the day I am REALLY looking forward to. Cottage Grove is participating in the state wide "Riverside" cleanup and our church and other churches in the Grove are going to help. This is an awesome opportunity to show love to the city of CG and to help bueautify the most beautiful city in the world.
I will let you know how it goes, if I am ever back on the blogger again.