Monday, February 25, 2008

Sermon Challenge
Ephesians 4&5
Why Church?

I run into people a lot that claim faith but don't like going to church. Essentially saying, "You God are cool but your kids drive me crazy. Can I be a follower without hanging out with your children and going to church?" I bet we have all felt like that at one time or another. We are faced with the truth that people are selfish, mean, bratty and sometimes completely bull headed. Hold on, that even describes me!

So, what are we left to do? Well, once in while God has a tendancy to hit you and I upside the head with a 2x4. You see, if God was still willing to die on the cross and forgive us when we were self centered, egotiscal, and mean; then shouldn't we be showing love and patience to one another when we struggle with the same issues. We should be willing to say, "I will cut you slack, because Jesus did for me?" Then don't you think this world would be a better place? Don't you think it would be fun then to go to church?

A church with grace. I kind of like the idea. "Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and himself up for us." Galatians 5:2. Take some time this week to check your attitude, to ask God for an extra measure of grace and mercy as you live for HIM. In fact, take a moment right this minute to pray for your church and those who are a part of it.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Beatitudes

The last 3 weeks we have looked at the beatitudes of Jesus from a totally different perspective during our Wednesday night study. Jeff Walling (DVD) has led us in giving us a unique perspective on these various attitudes that Jesus calls us to have. Attitudes about how we deal with one another in relationships. Let me break it down for you the best that I can:
  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit: "I need you." - The poor in spirit need others. We have to realize that as believers we need one another.
  2. Blessed are those who mourn: "I'm Sorry." - Being a follower of Christ is not always easy, we have to realize when it is that we fall short and admit it.
  3. Blessed are the meek: "I respect you." - Meekness is power under control. It is being respectful even when you are obviously supposed to be respected.
  4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness: "I will do what is right, regardless." - We are called be examples as followers of Jesus, as parents, as grandparents, etc. We must do the right thing no matter what the circumstance is.
  5. Blessed are the merciful: "I have forgiven you already." - Mercy is a very hard thing to give, but we are called to do it. Mercy means forgiving others even when they are so obviously wrong. Are you a forgiving person?
  6. Blessed are those who are pure in heart: "I will be honest with you always." - It is very important that people do not have to guess what you are thinking. Honesty is a lost art in our society. Be honest with others.
  7. Blessed are the peacemakers: "Let me be the first to stop the fighting." - Wow what a difficult thing. Are you willing to be the first to stop the fight. Many times we get caught up in the fighting because our pride gets in the way of peace. Be the first to stop the fight.
  8. Blessed are those who persecute you: "I will cut you slack, because Jesus did for me." Hmmmm I think this one speaks for itself.
God is very very concerned about how we treat one another. John 13:34 speaks of this very truth. How we care for one another matters.

Let's all try to apply these truths about relationship not only within the church, but within our families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.

As my family was looking at the amazing lunar eclipse this evening, my wife reminded me of an awesome truth this phenomenon: We should all be like the moon, reflecting the sun (son) as we live for Jesus. How is your reflection.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sermon Challenge
Luke 18:9-14
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

This week we took a deep look at the difference between the attitude of the Pharisee and that of the Tax Collector. The difference really comes down to the heart of the matter. The Pharisee thought he was something, he tithes, fasts and is not a sinner. Yet, he failed to recognize that apart from God, none of us are anything. Where as the Tax Collector came to the realization that God desires from all of us. "Forgive me God, I'm a sinner!"

God desires for us to be people of repentance. To realize how far from perfect we are and how much we really NEED God. James 2:10 tells us that we are all in the same boat, one sin made us guilty of breaking the whole law. Romans 3:23 says that we have ALL sinned, and 1 John 1:10 even tells us that if we say we are with out sin, we are liars.

Repentance is the turning away from sin, to follow God (Acts 3:19). It is more than just being sorry, it's a choice to follow God and live by His example. "Be Holy as I am Holy," God told his people. (1 Peter 1:16) It does not mean we will be perfect without sin, but it does mean we are going to make every attempt to be the kind of people God wants us to be.

My challenge for you this week is to take some time, write in a journal, who is God asking you to be? As a father, mother, grandparent, child, church member, city dweller, neighbor or friend, what kind of person is God desiring for you to be?
Prayer for Faith

This past week a couple incredible friends of mine gave pre-mature birth to their second child, Faith. Faith needed immediate recesitation and within the first few minutes of her life 11 doctors tended to her every need. The doctors are not hopeful that Faith will have full recover. The prognosis is not strong, though her kidneys and lungs appear to functioning properly it seems her brain was lacking oxygen for an extended period of time. Her is what Brock (Faith's dad) wrote today regarding God and his daughter Faith. . .

"I am a father that is hoping and praying for a miracle. And I have Faith that God will come through. I understand that God has a plan, and that sometimes his will is not my own. I understand that know matter what happens, God is in control and that I need to trust him. Throughout this entire ordeal I have felt God's hand on my shoulder keeping me strong. Even when I am a ball of mush that cannot contain my tears, I know that God is still with me. And I know he is with Faith as well. Remember, Faith is believinging in God even when it is hardest."
Please be praying for baby Faith, her parents, Brock and Cami and Faith's big sister Brenna.

If you would like to read the blog Brock wrote about Faith, click here.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Sermon Challenge
Luke 16:19-31
The Rich Man and Lazarus

I'm not normally this late with my sermon challenge posting, but I really do have good excuses, which also includes helping my father-in-law pour cement at his new house. If you are a father-in-law, or have one, you know why I had to do what I did. . .

This week's sermon was scary for me. I don't talk a lot about hell. It's just not my favorite subject. I prefer many other things which is probably why this week was so good for me as I was able to really put this world into perspective. I can live confidently in knowing that when I die, my savior is waiting for me. With that hope and confidence in mind I press on working hard in this life to make an eternal difference. Not everyone around me has that hope, that makes my job all the more important. I MUST be sharing Jesus to a world dieing without him.

This week: Take some time to pray for those who do not know the Saviour. Do not live in fear, live in the confidence that comes from knowing Jesus. I spoke on Sunday about a couple friends of mine that I have lost, these guys lived their life with hope. I found this (actually someone found it for me) on the internet. Jeanne Clem is dieing of terminal cancer and she was asked by her church to share the joys and the struggles of know Jesus during this hard time. Check out this video here.

We do not need to be concerned about death. Paul says to this great enemy of man kind, "O Death where is your victory, where is your sting?" Be strong in that hope but please do not forget to share it with those who have none.