Sermon Challenge
Ephesians 4&5
Why Church?
Ephesians 4&5
Why Church?
I run into people a lot that claim faith but don't like going to church. Essentially saying, "You God are cool but your kids drive me crazy. Can I be a follower without hanging out with your children and going to church?" I bet we have all felt like that at one time or another. We are faced with the truth that people are selfish, mean, bratty and sometimes completely bull headed. Hold on, that even describes me!
So, what are we left to do? Well, once in while God has a tendancy to hit you and I upside the head with a 2x4. You see, if God was still willing to die on the cross and forgive us when we were self centered, egotiscal, and mean; then shouldn't we be showing love and patience to one another when we struggle with the same issues. We should be willing to say, "I will cut you slack, because Jesus did for me?" Then don't you think this world would be a better place? Don't you think it would be fun then to go to church?
A church with grace. I kind of like the idea. "Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and himself up for us." Galatians 5:2. Take some time this week to check your attitude, to ask God for an extra measure of grace and mercy as you live for HIM. In fact, take a moment right this minute to pray for your church and those who are a part of it.