Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sermon Challenge


James 5:13-20

Today I rolled out of bed and realized that it was already Thursday! Most of my week toast, lost forever in the "I wish I had more" time zone. Sure, good things have happened this week, but for the most part, my week is finished with so many good things I could have done. I hope I am not the only one at that place in life but based upon the stories and in view of the lives around me, I know I am not the only one.

There are many ideas to solve this dillema. We could just not expect so much from ourselves, set the standard lower. We could also simply shorten our nights, get less sleep and more done. There is also this idea of cloning, just give me another me think of all we could accomplish with two of me and two of you! God has a more simple way and a much less logical way. He tells us to pray.

Did you catch that? Prayer accomplishes more than a clone would. I know, it doesn't make any sense less work doesn't mean more gets accomplished. That is the beauty of God's plan, we give that work we cannot accomplish over to Him. We raise the standard higher, because we have someone who can accomplish anything and He is on our side! We don't give up, we give it to the Lord.

Prayer, use it.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Sermon Challenge
James 5:7-12
Learning Patience

Yesterday we established that this idea of patience is more than just a waiting game, it is more like enduring when the world is falling apart around you. Many times we see injustice in this world, we see people getting away with all kinds of things, a not being held accountable. James reminds us here that God is watching, it is not up to us to be the judge, we are to endure through it. We are to endure by doing the right thing, we are to endure by loving those who are our enemies, we are to endure by keeping our word, we are to endure when we are tested, when there is an easier way out, we are still to endure.

This idea of "long suffering" also lends us to this idea of taking a stand. Our patience is not a waiting game, "long suffering" is an action word. It is taking a stand for who you are and what you believe and not wavering in that regard. In this section, in verse 8, the translate I read (NIV) gives some helpful translation, to, "be patient and stand firm." James does not want us to be passive, he wants us to be full of action. His concern is that our actions will judgemental, not loving. He wants our actions to be caring, not harsh. Stand for what is right, and leave the judgment to the One who has it all under control.

This week, let us stand together for what is right, pure and true. Let us love and pray for those who are immoral, those who walk on others, those who are selfish, you name it. The truth be known I don't know anyone (outside of Jesus) who can claim perfection and if not for His grace I would be in a world of hurt. Let us stand for what is right, and trust that God is in full control of everything.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Outside of Ourselves
Loving our Community

Heidi and I are back from our 10 year anniversary trip. It was a very nice trip, filled with a lot of fun and much needed relaxation. We spent some time at the coast, in the city of Portland and even some time at the Hotel. It was a lot of fun to be away from the kids (they were with Grandma's and Grandpa's) but it sure was nice to get back home to see them again. We were afforded the opportunity to go to Portland for church on Sunday, we attended Imago Dei Fellowship, a church that meets at Franklin High School on the east side of Portland. It was nice to listen and to worship with others at this church.

There were many things that stuck out to me at the church service it self, many ideas I would love to try some day but there was something that really stuck out more to me than anything and that was the people that were involved in the community. It was not that the church had so much going on as it was that the people were invested in their community.

What does that mean for me, what does that mean for our church? Well, first of all I think it takes an attitude adjustment on the hearts of individuals. For instance, I need to be thinking not about what I can get but what I can give. Like it or not, we are ego centric people to the core, my first thought is, in general, selfish. I need to stop that, I need to consider others.

What are some things we can do? Help a neighbor, read at a school, volunteer any where in the community (we have some hospital volunteers among us), take kids fishing, walk the streets and say "hi" to people, I'm sure you can think of other ideas. We just have to do it.