Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't Waste Your Life

It was really nice to see my good friends the Peterson's on Sunday. They were the first cross culture ministers I had ever come in contact with some 15 years ago. What an experience as a young man to see ministry like that and to be a part of something bigger than myself. Rodney challenged us yesterday by stepping heavily on our toes in regard to our personal lives. "Don't waste your life!"

Every single one of us is on a journey in our relationship with Jesus. Some of us are like new born children, just learning what it means to follow, others of us need to be reminded of the commitment we made so many years ago to be doers of God's Word. Wherever we are, God asks us to grow more like him ever single day.
  1. Don't waste your life in regard to your family. . . When our relationship with Jesus is right, our relationship with our family had better be too. If you are struggling with your marriage or children, take a deep look at how much time your spending with your Savior.

  2. Don't wast your life with addictions. . . Many times we get caught up thinking about the obvious addictions of drugs, alcohol, or gambling. Truthfully, we can become addicts to anything, all forms of idolatry. TV, RV, ATV, movies, food, sports. . . What is first in your life.

  3. Don't waste your life with the status quo . . . There is good, there is better and there is best. Many times we think good is good enough. Why do better or best? Because you are not doing it for your self, you are doing it for your Lord.

  4. Don't waste your time with the superficial . . . The weather, sports scores, news, those are great ice breakers, don't forget that you and are called to be the salt of the earth, to spice things up. We are not to be bland or boring. We are called to jazz this world up.
Take some time today, or tomorrow and take inventory of these four challenges. Journal about them, talk out loud with your children, or your spouse. How are you doing in these areas of life? No, we can't be perfect, but we sure can all try a little harder.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Your Weekly Challenge

We had a wonderful Sunday last week as we discussed Elder qualifications. Let me remind you, the God is looking for an elder with.
  1. Good Character.
  2. Great Reputation.
  3. Experience as a leader and a follower.
  4. Ability to lead and strengthen God's people.
As we apply those to our leaders, let us not forget that these are also characteristics that we should be striving for as well in our walk with God. Take some time this week to read 1 Timothy 3 and Titus and take a deep look at your life, how are you living up to the person God wants you to be?

Thursday, November 06, 2008

This is an update from the previous post. You can read the original message by clicking here!

Goat Central Update
9:40 A.M.
Turkana, Kenya

The response to Ekadori's "Goat Wipeout" has been amazing! 74 goats have now been pledged or given! Thank you all! We were hoping for 40 and hoping his community would step up and give the final 28. One of our goat donors was praying that Ekadori would be like Job; where God allowed his wealth to be wiped out and then blessed him with more than he had before. That prayer has been answered. We trust God's plan for Ekadori is such as this.

The exchange rate here in Kenya has recently hit a several year high at 80 shillings to the dollar. If you have pledged a goat and have not sent in your check to CMF, please do so quickly so we can take advantage of this rate. Perhaps we can squeeze another two or three goats out the currently high exchange rate. I love it when God arranges things like that!

Today is a Kenyan holiday because Barak Obama won the AMERICAN Presidential election. Go figure. Surprisingly, not every Kenyan was for Obama. Everywhere I go, I am asked who I want to be president. Rather than answer, I just ask them who they are for. The answers surprised me.

We are still rained out of our home at Kosikeria. The landscape is GREEN and full of small yellow and white FLOWERS! We expect the rivers to be down enough tomorrow to return home. The rain has brought cooler temperatures, muggy weather and lots of spiders, scorpions and snakes. We've had lots of fun each night killing the various "critters" which are unfortunate enough to let us see them.

We will go to the "goat market" and purchase Ekadori's goats, probably along with him and the chief and church leaders. We¹ll get lots of pictures and post them online for you all to see. Again, thank you for reaching out to Ekadori and his family. He is going to be so blessed! God has a plan for this man! It will be exciting to see what it is and how it unfolds.

In Jesus,

Scott, Kristi Wyatt, Aidan and Gabe

Monday, November 03, 2008

How Do (Should) We Reach Out

Here is an interesting update from one of the missions we support, I read this a few moments ago. What a great story about reaching out and caring for a brother and sister in need, from the mission field, enjoy.

Dear Friends,

Meet Ekadori. Ekadori is a Turkana friend of mine. I first met him last month, when he brought his wife to us. She was "very, very" pregnant and since her delivery was imminent, he wanted Dr. Kristi to do an exam and make sure everything looked good. The exam revealed the baby¹s head in the correct position for birth and a strong fetal heart beat. She gave birth a short week later to a healthy baby girl.

The night the baby was born it started to rain. Rain which hadn't come to this area of Turkana for 14 months. A drought ending rain. It flooded the plains and the fields. The rivers flowed hard! We are not sure exactly how it happened. Perhaps Ekadori was pre-occupied with his wife's delivery. Perhaps he was shocked at such a hard rain after no rain for such a long time. Ekadori's herd of goats were swept away in the flash flood! He had 74 goats and he lost 68 of them that night. A good night for having a new baby. A horrible night for loosing his wealth. Paradox strikes again.

We didn't hear of his loss until a week later when he came to our house asking for food. Where was his food we wondered to him. Then he told us the news of how he lost his entire herd of goats, he still had 6 goats remaining, the newborns. How many others in the community lost their goats? No one. Why Ekadori? God knows. Why are we here at this time? Perhaps for such a time as this. Ekadori is a baptized believer, but hasn't been going to church. I suggested to him that perhaps God was wanting to get his attention and is wanting him to go deeper in his faith. Perhaps, God has allowed his wealth to disappear so he would rely on God and not himself.

We also wondered if this is not an opportunity for the local church and the community to show Christ in a practical way, replace Ekadori's goats. Each family to give him one goat,..a free gift. We want what's best for Ekadori. We want his relationship with Christ to deepen. Christ is his Shepherd. Ekadori and his family are part of His flock. How much does one goat cost? He told me that one goat would cost him about 1000 shillings, about 13 dollars. I think I will buy him a couple of goats. I can afford to. We want to bless him. He's a good man, a Christian brother. He has a family to feed.

Please pray for Ekadori as he learns more about Christ and how Christ can meet his needs. Pray for the salvation of his children. Pray Ekadori will be a strong spiritual example for his children and family.

In Christ,

Scott and Kristi

If you would like to buy a goat for Ekadori, please write a check to Christian Missionary Fellowship and put Seidel¹s-Goat Fund in the memo line. You can also use the paypal button on our website at

Tuesday. What a day! I pray that everyone will or has already taken the time to vote. In our unique system everyone has a say and I hope that you are ready and prepared to vote.

Take time today and say a prayer for our country and the decisions being made this week.