Monday, June 29, 2009

Running the Race Together

Yesterday we dove into 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:13. We looked at the importance of running the race and finishing strong. We talked about a few of the pitfalls that many of the Israelites fell into, from grumbling to sexual immorality, there are many ways that the enemy would like to use to disqualify you from the race.

Paul also went into the importance of strict training at the end of 1 Corinthians 9. I would like to challenge you in a few of ways training that we should be following as run this race together. First of all on a spritual level we need to be training our minds. We do that by:

  1. Reading scripture. Make time every single day to read your Bible.
  2. Memorize scripture. In your daily reading find a verse to meditate on and memorize. In the race when you are about to hit a wall, those scriputures will help to give you the energy and encouragement you need to keep going.

It is also important that you are training your heart:

  1. Take time to pray. Ask God to mold your heart as you live for Him.
  2. Take encouragement from other Christians. One of the most important parts of our Christian faith, is the love and support of one another. The sad truth is, we need more than just sunday morning encouragement. Join a small group, build relationships with those who will encourage you to finish strong.

The purpose for all of this training, is to always be ready to share your faith. You became a resident of heaven when you made Jesus your Lord and savior. Live like it, Run like it, and bring others along with you in this race!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Looking for Truth
2 John

Yesterday we dove deep into the idea of truth. I want to re-emphasize the idea of Jesus being truth. He is either "the" truth, or he is a liar. There is no in between and this is because of Jesus' own words. In the book of John chapter 11, Jesus says that he is the "way, the truth, and the life" and, "no one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus has to be either the way to God or not, there cannot be an in between.

Many Christians and non-Christians alike make the mistake of believing that Jesus and the Christian faith is just one way to heaven. Logic leads us, because of the words of Jesus, to conclude that either Jesus is the way, or not. If Jesus is not the only way, then there must be another way. The question than must be asked, What do we do about sin? Are you willing to chance that you will have another chance after death? If Jesus was not the way, then sin is still the issue. If everyone gets into heaven, what is the point of this world? These are just a few questions that need to be asked in regard to Jesus and truth. How would you answer these questions? How would you respond to someone who had these questions?