Monday, March 01, 2010
For the next several weeks, we are going to be taking a look at some of the most asked questions of Jesus and the Bible in one of our Sunday Morning Classes. From controversial questions to "I was just wondering" questions we are going to try and tackle them all.
If you have a question that you would like answered (or at least attempted to answer), please leave a comment below. ANYONE is allowed to ask a question and you may remain anonymous in your question asking. If you are not in the area and are wondering how your question would be answered, email Aaron at
We will see how it goes! Let the questions fly.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Peat and Repeat. . .
A big thank you to Shaun and his message on Sunday, great job! Shaun warned that good things in life can turn us negatively toward apathy, negatively toward legalism, or positively toward consistency and genuine faith. From communion time, to the Sunday morning message we have a choice on how we are going to do those things we always do, either with faith and genuineness, or with apathy or legalism.
Spend some time this next week taking a long look at your relationship with Jesus. Today we may be well connected with our Savior but remember back to those dry days and what it took to bring you out of that lull. If you are in dry times right now, take some time to work on your relationship and rekindle that flame. Spend a little extra time this week in prayer and your readings; take a walk in nature thanking God for His creation.
Monday, June 29, 2009

Yesterday we dove into 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:13. We looked at the importance of running the race and finishing strong. We talked about a few of the pitfalls that many of the Israelites fell into, from grumbling to sexual immorality, there are many ways that the enemy would like to use to disqualify you from the race.
Paul also went into the importance of strict training at the end of 1 Corinthians 9. I would like to challenge you in a few of ways training that we should be following as run this race together. First of all on a spritual level we need to be training our minds. We do that by:
- Reading scripture. Make time every single day to read your Bible.
- Memorize scripture. In your daily reading find a verse to meditate on and memorize. In the race when you are about to hit a wall, those scriputures will help to give you the energy and encouragement you need to keep going.
It is also important that you are training your heart:
- Take time to pray. Ask God to mold your heart as you live for Him.
- Take encouragement from other Christians. One of the most important parts of our Christian faith, is the love and support of one another. The sad truth is, we need more than just sunday morning encouragement. Join a small group, build relationships with those who will encourage you to finish strong.
The purpose for all of this training, is to always be ready to share your faith. You became a resident of heaven when you made Jesus your Lord and savior. Live like it, Run like it, and bring others along with you in this race!
Monday, June 08, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I sure don't have as much time as I had hoped to write these updates, between the conference and catching up with old friends my days seem incredibly short. Here are the classes I attended on Tuesday:
Leading in Uncertain Times. This class was great about leadership. I former business president, now a student at BBC talked about what it means to be in leadership. He spoke of foundations, how God is the foundation and we need to be cultivating that relationship and we are the foundation for others as leaders. People begin to reflect their leaders, so, how are you doing?
Then I went the class, Change Everything: Worship Services. Got a lot of great ideas from the worship leader at Tomoka Church in Florida. They had great video ideas and great service order ideas as well.
Then I went to see my sister for the evening and love on my neices. What a blast!
Then I went to the evening session. AWESOME worship last night, by the BBC group. I was very impressed by our main speaker Joe Putting, who challenged the pastors to not be Chaplins and just care the needs of the needy church people, but to focus on being like Jesus and reaching out to the down trodden.
I will add more detail when I have time and update everyone with the classes I have been attending.