Understanding Freedom
Galatians 5:1-15
The more that I am gaining an undersanding of history and our government system, the more that I am appreciating the sacrafice that so many gave for the freedoms we have here in America. Yesterday we looked at those verses in Galatians 5, "For freedom you have been set free."
As we looked at yesterday freedom does not mean that you have a choice to do what ever you want. Freedom is an attitude, it is a peace. No one is free when they are controled by addictions, no one is free when they are controled by hate or anger. No one is free when they are controled by pornography or lust. Freedom is about gaining peace, it is about being content. Freedom gives us the ability to make the right choices and decions for our lives.
The questions we need to be asking ourselves is: What are we doing with our freedom here in America? Are you using your freedoms for the selfishness of yourself, or are you using your freedom to move the gospel forward?
Challenge: Thank God today for your freedom here. Take inventory of your life, are you a slave to sin, or to attitudes that are against God, or are you truly free to be the man or woman God has created you to be.
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