Understanding God's Call
So, what is there to understand about God's call. It seems very plain in the Old Testament, apparently God told people what to do and by golly they did it. I then begin to wonder, does God have the wrong number for me, is he getting a busy signal, or am I just not listening in the right places? I am constantly running into people and youth pastors in this same predicament. Confused about what the future holds and long to have God make a plain way.
I do believe that God does have specific callings for people, but in general, God has also given us the tools to be able to make those decisions for ourselves. He tells us to do what is best for our families. He wants us to do what is best for the church. He wants His work to move forward. Unfortunately a lot of times we are not comfortable making the "right" decision, so we simply don't make a decision about it. Then we excuse our lack of action on waiting for God to show me what to do.
I also believe that God will bless our decisions if they are made in good faith. In other words, God blesses us for giving it our best shot. He knows are hearts and our work is weighed with that in mind. As you grow in God, you may see that those decisions weren't always the best, but God still blessed your willing heart.
Lastly I also believe God shows us his will upon the failure of our best intentions. An idea that could have worked, that should have worked, completely flopped because God was never a part of any of it. Our biggest most meaningful lessons are taught when we fail. Never look at failure as a dead end, but the beginning of a more intense ministry and relationship with God.
Even in the Old Testament, God didn't speak to everyone. We should not be surprised when we don't hear an audible voice tell us what to do. In the same breath, do not ignore the voice of God in your prayers, in your thoughts, your ideas and especially in scripture. He has made things clear to us and will continue to do so as we get to know the heart and the mind of our Lord.
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