The Strongest Muscle
I love Baseball, well, actually I love sports in general, it just happens to be baseball season. This last Thursday I was in Seattle for a conference on Leadership, called the Lead Now Conference. (Great conference, I did love it, but back to the baseball analogy.) Anyway, I had an opportunity to go to a Mariner's game, thanks to Craig's List and most peoples indifference to the Baltimore Orioles. We sat only 12 rows from the field, behind home plate or so. The game was close, tied up in the 6th inning, so the fans were getting restless. On a pitch that was way to close to call the fans all around us were unhappy with the umpire's judgment. I sat there listening to their jeers and I wondered, as I looked at this well built umpire, would these people have the guts to say those things to his face. . .
As James writes about the danger of our words, this thought comes to mind about how devastating our words can be and how quick we criticize those around us. Most of the time, like my umpire friend, those people are doing the best that they can and know how. This week (I hope it's not just this week) take some time to focus on the positive things in life and those around. Be an encouragement, be uplifting, may your and my words empower others to live the best that they can and may we never be a source of discouragement!
By the way, the call looked good to me, Go Oriole's.