Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Strongest Muscle

I love Baseball, well, actually I love sports in general, it just happens to be baseball season. This last Thursday I was in Seattle for a conference on Leadership, called the Lead Now Conference. (Great conference, I did love it, but back to the baseball analogy.) Anyway, I had an opportunity to go to a Mariner's game, thanks to Craig's List and most peoples indifference to the Baltimore Orioles. We sat only 12 rows from the field, behind home plate or so. The game was close, tied up in the 6th inning, so the fans were getting restless. On a pitch that was way to close to call the fans all around us were unhappy with the umpire's judgment. I sat there listening to their jeers and I wondered, as I looked at this well built umpire, would these people have the guts to say those things to his face. . .

As James writes about the danger of our words, this thought comes to mind about how devastating our words can be and how quick we criticize those around us. Most of the time, like my umpire friend, those people are doing the best that they can and know how. This week (I hope it's not just this week) take some time to focus on the positive things in life and those around. Be an encouragement, be uplifting, may your and my words empower others to live the best that they can and may we never be a source of discouragement!

By the way, the call looked good to me, Go Oriole's.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sermon Challenge
Acts 1:8
You Will. . . .

What an awesome honor it was to have Terry Stine from Boise Bible College come as our guest on Sunday. Terry gave us an awesome reminder about what it means to be a follower of Christ. We have a job to do! Jesus, before his ascension in Acts 1 told his disciples, "You will be my witnesses," not to say sometime in the future but to imperatively tell them that it is a job to be done NOW! Honestly this is not a struggle that we have difficulty understanding. We all know that we are to be witnesses for Jesus, I'm wondering if the difficulty we have following Jesus is understanding what it truly means to be a witness.

Terry on Sunday pointed out that this word "witness" is translated and defined more as a martyr than someone who speaks on the behalf of someone else. Yes, speaking on the behalf of Jesus is a wonderful and important thing to do, yet our job is not just complete with that. We need to do more than just speak, we must be willing to give it all, even our lives, for Jesus.

So, what are you willing to give up for Jesus. Giving up our Sundays are one thing but I believe that God is calling for us to give more than just one day a week, he wants every part of our lives; at work, on vacation, hunting, playing, everywhere. Are you willing and ready to be a witness in every sense of the word?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sermon Challenge
A Foundation of Faith
James 2:14-26

When I was a good church going teen I remember one lesson in particular at youth group. It was called a "faith" or "trust" fall. One person would stand on the edge of a table while 2 rows of people, arms extended, would catch you as you fell. The fall required that you fully trusted those arms below to catch you. Our youth pastor took the time to explain how faith in God is much like a faith fall, we have to trust that God is there for us all the time.

We do faith falls, we show pictures of faith and tell stories about men of great because faith itself is very hard to define. It is a trust in the unseen, yet faith is not blind; it is hopeful expectation that carries with it absolute certainty. It is explained better through a story and is defined more clearly by actions. We all have it some kind of faith, we all put our trust in something and James tells us clearly here that our faith in Jesus requires us to live like it.

The question you and I must face is; when someone is given opportunity to describe your faith, what will their answer be? Are you truly showing a faith in Jesus by your actions, or have you put your faith in other things? Is your faith in your job, money, drugs, or other things?

This week take an honest assessment, or if you are brave enough, ask someone to assess you truthfully and ask this simple question: Based upon the way I live, I put my faith in _________.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A New Earth. . .A New Idea?

Oprah has recently started her own web based seminar class that took a look at religion and of course, her views on the subject. She has recently denied her Christian up bringing based upon some pretty sketchy thoughts on the matter. She considers truth to be relative to your time, situation and culture; as well as pointing out that Jesus was misunderstood and came to show us how to live, nothing more.

The truth is, Mr. Tolle does not bring any new ideas to the table, he is nothing more than another new age writer and his book, from the accounts I have read, is slow and share no new concepts. Yet, he is gaining quite the following thanks to Oprah. Recently, her class attracted many wayward confused Christians that she successfully turned in a very poor direction.

Many people try to push a counterfeit and discount Jesus' life here on earth. Tolle is not bringing any new ideas. From the time of Jesus resurrection people from all over the globe have tried to explain it away. Ultimately the issue is very simple, the issue is about sin about what you believe about it. Let's face it, the new age movement has no definition of sin, we simply have the ability to categorize people based upon what I believe is good and bad. Did you catch that, I am the one who decides. Tolle is speaking in his book about you become god. Does that make any sense? That really gives a messed up idea of reality where "I" become the center of the universe, defining my own good and bad.

Other religions make a practice of working our way out of sin, giving more chances, or doing more good things than bad things. As if God is weighing your good and bad and as long as the good weighs more, you are in. How do we reconcile that, how do we define it, you can't.

Since we are in James it's appropriate that James 2:10 gives us a clear picture of how sin really works, something that makes since and is easily defined. One sin = All sin. If I'm guilty of one sin, I'm guilty of breaking the whole law. Why doesn't someone come up with a religion about that? A religion that makes a whole lot more sense is a religion where everyone goes to Hell. That's logical and it's truth. Jesus says, I am the Way the Truth and the Life, why? He says that because unlike anything else in the world, He can take away sin.

Tolle is a positive thinker but he is offering no cure, just a sugar pill pushed by a media icon.

**For another great article on the subject, click here!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Sermon Challenge
Mercy Makeover
James 2:1-13

It is natural human tendency to segregate. Sure, even in our americanized culture of "diversity training" and the equality movements all around, it's is pretty obvious social sects exist whether we admit it or not. Name brands are thrown in our faces, whether it's a car, clothes, or even groceries we segregate socially with the best of them. Yet, from God's perspective people are people, regardless of the ethnic or social tags we (as humans) put on them God doesn't see life in the same way that we do.

God does however have his own classification system, and it is a little different from ours. Here in James, we see that we are all in the same boat, we are all law-breakers. God classifies us then, not as sinners and non-sinners, but as the faithful and the un-faithful. He sees us as saved and unsaved, as those who have accepted him, or as those whom have rejected him. Ultimately James is challenging his readers not to show favoritism based upon social classes but to show Jesus to everyone! Many times we ignore the ones that are more ready for Jesus based upon our own human criteria.

Let us make a pact; let us take a stand to mindful of those we tend to ignore, to show compassion to those we haven't. To pray that God will allow us to see people in the same way that he does. We are all the needy, we are all the sick and we are ALL in need of a Savior!
Person James 2:1-13
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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Youth Update
Discipleship Process

Recently our Student Ministry has taken a new approach to Discipleship. Shaun our Youth Pastor has started meeting with some of our more committed youth on Tuesday mornings. They are studying hard and working on holding one another accountable to reading God's Word.

If you are interest in joining them in their daily reading times, you can see their progress at www.tmdevos.blogspot.com.