Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sermon Challenge
Acts 1:8
You Will. . . .

What an awesome honor it was to have Terry Stine from Boise Bible College come as our guest on Sunday. Terry gave us an awesome reminder about what it means to be a follower of Christ. We have a job to do! Jesus, before his ascension in Acts 1 told his disciples, "You will be my witnesses," not to say sometime in the future but to imperatively tell them that it is a job to be done NOW! Honestly this is not a struggle that we have difficulty understanding. We all know that we are to be witnesses for Jesus, I'm wondering if the difficulty we have following Jesus is understanding what it truly means to be a witness.

Terry on Sunday pointed out that this word "witness" is translated and defined more as a martyr than someone who speaks on the behalf of someone else. Yes, speaking on the behalf of Jesus is a wonderful and important thing to do, yet our job is not just complete with that. We need to do more than just speak, we must be willing to give it all, even our lives, for Jesus.

So, what are you willing to give up for Jesus. Giving up our Sundays are one thing but I believe that God is calling for us to give more than just one day a week, he wants every part of our lives; at work, on vacation, hunting, playing, everywhere. Are you willing and ready to be a witness in every sense of the word?

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