Thursday, September 25, 2008


It seems that the Nebraska legislature got themselves into kind of a pickle that has devastating effects on the DHS of Omaha. In July, Nebraska implimented a new law that would allow overwhelmed parents to drop their children off at the hospital, no charges pressed, no questions asked. The intent of the law was to provide parents with small children help in their time of need.

Unfortunately the law is heading to places it was never intended to go. In the past 24 hours, 11 children have been dropped off at local hospitals. Before that, children 11, 15, and 13 were dropped off and yesterday, a man brought in 9 of his children, ages 1 to 17. The intent of the law was to protect the young, now it has become an out for defiant and beligerant children who's parents cannot control them.

Law makers will be taking a deep look at this law and already some in the DHS are saying that these parents may still face neglect and abuse charges because those are not covered under the umbrella of this safe haven law.

It would seem to me that one of the most difficult things in life to do, is to take responsibility. We must not forget that our number 1 ministry is to our families. How are your children, grandchildren doing? How is their walk with the Lord?

A recent study shows that teens and younger children that sit around a table to eat dinner with their parents are less likely to do drugs. Is it in the table? Or is it in the relationship with the parents that makes a difference.


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