Monday, October 27, 2008

Your Weekly Challenge:

Coming up here in November we are going to take a break from our regular messages through the book of 1 John. Around this time each year we have our annual elections where our Elders and Deacons are put into service for the next year. Over the next few weeks we are going to be looking at the importance of Elders, Deacons and what membership means to us at 6th and Gibbs church. I hope you are challenged and enlightened by the roles each leader has and how this is God's plan for the structure of our church.

You may be noticing the pictures being taken and our new picture board on the wall. We are hoping to display all of our families in the church on this board to give everyone an idea of who is who. If you or your family has not been pictured yet, you can have those done, before, after, or between services. We are also hoping to add another element to our gathering, name tags. As we try to figure out how that will work best please keep that in the back of your mind. Not everyone likes a name tag but I believe it will help our visitors and regular attenders all the same.

Your Challenge:
This week, read Acts 20:13-38; Timothy 3; and 1 Peter 5:1-4 to prepare for our discussion of Elders on Sunday.

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