There is Power in Who You Know
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was a Sophomore in high school, and the first Taco Bell was moving into the town that I lived in. Me and my cousin Eric were totally stoked, tacos in our town! I love Taco Bell, so much so, my aunt wrote the company on our behalf and were invited to the Grand Opening celebration. We recieved our letter in the mail and upon arrival were ushered through the ordering line, for free tacos! What a day in paradise. There is no way we could have experienced that with out our papers and without writing to the right person. It's all in who you know. . .
Yesterday we began our series on Living Powerfully. Everyone has an answer for that dillema, there are books, movies, support groups, you name it; all wanting to teach you a thing or two about how to live a powerful, effective life. Power comes not from your pedigree, or from the things you have earned; true power comes from who you know, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:6, says that while we were still "powerless," Christ died for you and me. Take a few minutes and meditate on that thought. Without Jesus you were POWERLESS, and it is only through Jesus that we have any power at all. You see, it is all about WHO you know.
Todays Challenge: This week what are the things in your life that you are keeping power over? That is the big question: What are you controling that you should be giving over to the Lord? Maybe you just realized that you should be handing it over, maybe you know what God would have you to do and you don't want to do it. Maybe you just don't trust anyone (including God) with that decision. Write it down. Spend 5-10min a day praying about that power struggle you are having.
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