Friday, May 29, 2009

Sermon Series Preview
Coming July 5th

It seems the last couple of years the theme of Heroes has been prevelant.  From TV shows to movies, the super hero has been making an amazing come back. The Gospel According to Superman was written in 1973 chronicaling the differences and similarities our man made heroes reflect the Gospel of Jesus.  What a fascination we have with these heroes.  Maybe we long to be the heroes ourselves.  Maybe we like to think we can relate to difficulties heroes have as they struggle to save the day.  Or maybe we just like a good story where the good guy wins.

Starting July 5th we are going to be looking at a few heroes found within our scriptures.  We will be looking at Abraham, David, Appollos, Barnabas, and more as we look at the true Hero, Jesus Christ and the impact he has made throughout ALL of history.  Join me and others at Sixth and Gibbs Church as we explore the Heroes of the Bible!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Understanding Freedom
Galatians 5:1-15

The more that I am gaining an undersanding of history and our government system, the more that I am appreciating the sacrafice that so many gave for the freedoms we have here in America.  Yesterday we looked at those verses in Galatians 5, "For freedom you have been set free."  

As we looked at yesterday freedom does not mean that you have a choice to do what ever you want.  Freedom is an attitude, it is a peace.  No one is free when they are controled by addictions, no one is free when they are controled by hate or anger.  No one is free when they are controled by pornography or lust.  Freedom is about gaining peace, it is about being content.  Freedom gives us the ability to make the right choices and decions for our lives.

The questions we need to be asking ourselves is: What are we doing with our freedom here in America?  Are you using your freedoms for the selfishness of yourself, or are you using your freedom to move the gospel forward?  

Challenge:  Thank God today for your freedom here.  Take inventory of your life, are you a slave to sin, or to attitudes that are against God, or are you truly free to be the man or woman God has created you to be.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 2

Yesterday was day 2 today is day 3 but I may never have time to fully update the blog for day 3 but hey we will do our best.

I am impressed with the over all quality of the conference this year.  Today seemed to have a strong missions emphasis and really got me to think outside of the box when it comes to missions and the purpose of missions within the local church and outside of the local church.

Rick Chromey had a very good class on incorporating video and powerpoint into presentations and such getting me to think about how to best do that as well.  I have also been challenge yesterday and today to make sure that my first focus is my family and that they are being placed number one in my ministry and home.

I am about to attend a workshop on adoption, the stories of adoption I have heard thus far have really pierced my soul and it will be interesting to see how God will use that in my life.  I am praying for you church and look forward to being with you again very soon.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 1 Recap:

I sure don't have as much time as I had hoped to write these updates, between the conference and catching up with old friends my days seem incredibly short. Here are the classes I attended on Tuesday:

Leading in Uncertain Times. This class was great about leadership. I former business president, now a student at BBC talked about what it means to be in leadership. He spoke of foundations, how God is the foundation and we need to be cultivating that relationship and we are the foundation for others as leaders. People begin to reflect their leaders, so, how are you doing?

Then I went the class, Change Everything: Worship Services. Got a lot of great ideas from the worship leader at Tomoka Church in Florida. They had great video ideas and great service order ideas as well.

Then I went to see my sister for the evening and love on my neices. What a blast!

Then I went to the evening session. AWESOME worship last night, by the BBC group. I was very impressed by our main speaker Joe Putting, who challenged the pastors to not be Chaplins and just care the needs of the needy church people, but to focus on being like Jesus and reaching out to the down trodden.

I will add more detail when I have time and update everyone with the classes I have been attending.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My church family and friends:

I am in Boise, ID for the annual spring preaching conference at Boise Bible College.  Last night was a great tribute to Dr. Ken Beckman who has preached at BBC for 62years.  His final words were very powerful, speaking of shooting the wolves before they infultrate the flock.  I was impressed.

This morning we have challenged, to pray and act as our morning speaker compared the Lord's prayer to the great commission.  We all have a part to play.  Jesus is praying and fulfilling his end of the deal, how are we doinging with ours?  

I will plan on updating throughout my time here.  You can see the full schedule of events at  if you have a suggestion as to a class you would like me to attend and update you on, let me know by emailing me at  all classes are recorded so I will be able to hear from all of them.  Got to get back.
