Monday, March 31, 2008

Sermon Challenge
"More Than Words"
James 1:19-27

This week as we dig deeper into the book of James, we are faced with a challenge, not to be merely hearers of God's Word, but to be doers of God's Word. One of the questions within our study guides has to do with using God's Word to make everyday decisions in our lives. As our Small Group discussed this thought, we came to realize, most decisions we make, we don't open up our Bible's to find the answer, but because we are connected to God's Word, we use the principles that he lines out for us in scripture to help us make a wise decision. If we are not in His Word, it makes it difficult to remember or think of what we ought to do.

God's Word is more than just words, and it is far more than just some good ideas. It is living and it is active (Hebrews 4:12). This aspect of scripture may make it kind of difficult for us sometimes. We want to know the answer, we prefer things to be black and white. It would be a whole lot easier if God would just say, "Yes, take the job!" or "No don't talk to that guy," or "Yes, buy that family a gallon of milk!" Wouldn't that be nice. "Wake up at 6am, workout, pray, hug your kids, go to work oh and stop by the coffee shop, someone there wants to hear about Jesus." That would make life a breeze.

God though has given us His Word, His example and His Law to be a help to us as we make every day decisions. God has gifted us with not only His Word, but wisdom. He has put other Christian believers in our lives and like any good parent, he tells us the decision is ours. We are more than just hearers of God's Word, we are doers! The question begs to be asked, has the Word of God penetrated your life enough to help you make wise decisions? Are you living for God, or just for a whim?

This week as you read God's Word, try this: Read with a pen or a highlighter. As you come across issues in God's Word, underline or highlight those ideas in God's Word that will be a guide for you in decision making. From loving your brother, to praying for you enemies how do those effect the decisions you make every single day.
Person James 1:19-27
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Monday, March 24, 2008

Sermon Challenge
Easter, Jesus and the Tabernacle
Hebrews 8-10

The pictures that we get from Jesus in the Old Testament are rather revealing about who Jesus was. I often hear from people and have experienced myself that writing e-mails and letters is a difficult way to communicate because much of communication is non-verbal. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians at one point in time even says, "I write this to shame you." Hoping they wouldn't take the letter the wrong way.

With that in mind I often wonder the tone of some of the things recorded about Jesus. I was listening to a dramatic rendition of Easter on my Ipod yesterday and the narrators had Jesus portrayed as a quiet rather melancholy voice. I just don't know if Jesus would have sounded like that? One of my favorite films to critique is a Jesus film I watched a number of years ago. Everyone of Jesus disciples spoke in modern english, while Jesus spoke in King James.

This communication barrier is hard to overcome and I wonder if that is why God uses more than just words to point to Jesus. He uses stories, analogies, meals, sacrifices and tabernacles to tell the story of Jesus. As you read through the Bible, New Testament and Old, take some time to concentrate on the many ways that God communicates about Jesus. Then ask yourself: How are you communicating Jesus to those around you. It better be more than just words, and it better be more than just actions. . . . .

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sermon Challenge
Palm Sunday
'The Suffering Servant"
Isaiah 53

The point of Jesus' suffering was for me. Have you ever really thought about that? Jesus suffered for you and me. I have a hard time grasping this concept because there are very few people that I would suffer for like Jesus suffered. I certainly cannot find myself suffering for a stranger, let alone an ungrateful stranger. Yet, that is what Jesus did. . .

Jesus suffered not just for those who accept him, he also suffered for those who would never choose to follow him. Why? That is the only way! He had to suffer that way and he knew it. In Mark 8 and 10 Jesus predicts his death, he explains the suffering that he would have to endure for ALL of mankind. In 2 Corinthians 4 Paul gives an incredible account of how Jesus' death effects us, starting in verse 10. "We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you."

No matter the suffering that Jesus went through, God has left us with a purpose! We are to be life in a dead world. "LIFE is at work in you." Those who Jesus died for, many of them will never hear that message if not for YOU. That is purpose, that is LIFE. YOU are LIFE!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Passion Week Prayer Schedule

Please note the changes to the Prayer Schedule for Passion Week.

Sunday, March 16th - First Baptist Church
Monday, March 17th - South Lane Christian Center
Tuesday, March 18th - Praise Center
Wednesday, March 19th - Living Faith Assembly

We are encouraging everyone to come out for the Town Hall Meeting in regard to Cottage Grove Vision 2037 on Thursday, March 20th at 6pm. Please come and let your voice be known. The meeting will be held at Cottage Grove High School.
Sermon Challenge
Tried and Tested
James 1:1-18

I just returned from the Emmanuel School of Religion's Northwest Scholarship Banquet. (Try to say that five times fast.) Captain Chip Fowler, a chaplain in the United States Military was the honored speaker for the event. He spoke very little about his own experiences in the military but highlighted some very important military personnel found in scripture. He not only pointed out those who made a difference in the name of Jesus, but those who even failed to stand in the midst of truth.

Many times our trials can lead us to a very decisive point, a choice on whether we are going to choose to follow Jesus, or just sweep the truth under the carpet. James in chapter 1 verse 6-8 I believe is talking about those who were NOT ready for the trials God sends. Those trials toss us back and forth in a sea of doubt because our faith, our knowledge of our God and our trust in His word is lacking.

This last weekend has been a glaring reminder of stories about those who have given up on God in the midst of trial and even temptation. When everything hits the fan, are you ready to weather the storm? I pray that you are prepared for the trials in your life.

I also want to encourage those who have stepped away from God in the midst of trial and are returning to put their trust in him again. He is worth trusting, he is an anchor in the storm! HOLD ON TIGHTLY!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Message Challenge
"Extreme Life Makeover"
Messages from the book of James

Week 1: The Foundation

I know I told everyone we are starting the book of James but this week we didn't even get into verse 1. One of the things that I think is very important is that we are all on the same page. We are all starting from the same spot with the same standard in mind. We talked about what it means to be a "new creation," as Christians we are called to put off the old and put on the new! Our memory verse: 2 Corinthians 4:16, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are renewed day by day."

Everyday we have a choice. When we wake up, every morning, we make a choice to be renewed, or not. Are you allowing God to renew you, or are you ignoring Him for your own selfish desires. Our choice is to raise the standard for our lives, to be holy. That is the renewal, that is the fresh start we get every single day. Our desire for Holiness is not about earning our way into heaven, we desire to be Holy because that is what God has already made us.

Challenge: Look at yourself this week as a new creation. The old is gone, the new has come! Ask yourself this question: are you ready to raise the standard for your life?

PS If you haven't gotten involved in a Small Group yet, consider it today!