Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Check out the new Website

Go to www.churchofchrist6thandgibbs.com and tell me what you think.

E-mail me when you have had a look see: aearlywine@gmail.com
Monday's Challenge (on Tuesday)
Fellowship (koinonia)
Acts 2:42

Koinonia, is the greek word for fellowship. That word is used over 20 times in the New Testament to describe our relationship with the Lord and our relationship with others. On Sunday we talked a lot about how this relationship is built, true koinonia (fellowship) is not grown over night. Koinonia is developed through purposeful interaction with others. Whether it is your relationship with the Lord, or with others what you do must be purposeful. There are 4 rungs to this ladder of koinonia.
  1. History Giving. Where have people been.
  2. Hopes and Dreams. Where are they going. What are there hopes for life.
  3. A Challenge. How can I help you fulfill those dreams?
  4. Accountability. I will be there for you when you fall, and cheer you on to success.
Something that struck me when thinking about this a little more today is how things like koinonia work within our relationship with God. Jesus tells us in Matthew that the two greatest commandments are to love God and love others. I have found there are some people who are difficult to love, until I stop and consider God's love for those very same people. Fellowship is a difficult, painful endeavor, especially if you are not in fellowship with the Lord.

If you struggle with fellowship, make God your primary fellowship. As you focus on your relationship with Him, I believe God will help and encourage in your love and koinonia for others.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Parking Lot Service
and Evening BBQ with Children's Boot Camp

August 3rd and 17th

Join us Sunday Morning at 11am for a combined outdoor worship service. Sunday School classes will still meet at 10am.

Everyone! is invited to return Sunday night for a BBQ and Children's Boot Camp. Join us in fellowship and encourage our children as they learn what it means to be followers of Jesus. A great time for all!

Burgers, Dogs and Condiments provided, bring a Side Dish or Dessert to share.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pure Power

This is an awesome picture of the incredible view we had from our guest house this week that my in-laws graciously rented for our families. I was able to absorb this view each night as the sunset and for a vacation this was truly a get-a-way. As great a picture as this is I'm not sure if it truly captures how incredible the view was.

I love the ocean, I have not spent the time on the ocean that I was sure I would when we moved here, none the less, I am truly taken back by the sheer power, beauty and magnificence of the ocean. Watching the waves come in, understanding the rise of the tide, how truly awesome the ocean is! I could listen to the waves for hours on end when given the chance. How strong is the ocean? I'm not sure it can be described, I'm not sure I can fathom it fully.

In a sense, that is God. Who can truly describe Him? Who can understand His depth? His greatness? Job 38 is an incredible chapter of the Bible, God explaining to Job the vastness of this world, the precision that God put into His creation, its magnitude and glory created by an even bigger God.

Consider the creation all around you this, week. Watch the beauty of the trees, the splendor of the flowers, the power of the wind, all created by a God who loves you dearly. And as you focus on Him, give Him praise for being bigger than you and I.

Monday, July 07, 2008

A Challenge For us ALL

Wes Patton did an awesome job yesterday! He has such an incredible ministry in Hope House and many lives have been touched by this ministry.

Wes truly challenged us yesterday to look within ourselves as we make daily decisions about the lives and the choices we choose to live. It is God and His Word that gives us the incredible example on how we should live. His thoughts even made me consider some of the little things in life, short cuts I take for my benefit, not for God's.

Try this challenge! Write down all of the decisions you make in one day. What influences your decisions?