Monday, December 29, 2008

Loving People When It's Not So Easy
1 John

We have talked about loving people before, people who are hard to love, people who walk all over your gifts, people who are ungrateful, people who are difficult to love.  Something we talked about yesterday took that a step further, into a relm I am not sure we have discussed before.  Not only is it difficult to love the unlovely but it is also difficult to figure out the best way to love people you truly care about and sometimes loving people the right way is hard to do.

Sometimes love says, "no!"  Sometimes love puts people on the street.  Sometimes love must quit enabling others, sometimes love makes others responsible for their own decisions.  I have heard it before, "If you really loved me, you let me have ________________."  (you fill in the blank)  No, sometimes love makes others earn it.  Sometimes love doesn't let people off easy.

Jesus loved the religious leaders of his day by calling them a "brood of vipers."  In the hope they see their shortcomings.  Paul oppossed Peter to his face, to show Peter he was doing the wrong thing (Galatians 2:11).  Love stands for what is right, whether it is popular or not.  Love is not a doormat.

The most difficult part of all of this, is figuring out the best and most wise way to love people.  As I pray for all of you this week, my prayer will be for wisdom to truly love others in the most productive way!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Be a Servant this Christmas Season. . .

Here we go, into the meat of Christmas.  I got to thinking about this time of year, what better time to open yourself up to love Cottage Grove.  Bake cookies for your neighbors, or make them little Christmas trinkets (if your good at something like that); invite them to an open house Christmas fun time (put on a pot of coffee and a plate of cookies), anything to let those around you know you care.  There are so many ways you can care for those around you.

I just happened to run across this quote the other day and I loved it, "There will always be more people willing to do ‘great’ things for God than there are people willing to do the little things. The race to be a leader is crowded, but the field is wide open for those willing to be servants." - Rick Warren

Wow, what a a great quote and how true.  My prayer for everyone of us is that we may be servants of ALL.  Try it out this Christmas season, give service, don't expect to get service.  Merry Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Dealing With Grief and Loss
John 11

Life can be very painful. Every one of us has dealt with grief and loss on one level or another. Though we may not have lost a family member or a close friend, there are many things in life that can gives us grief and depression. There are many people who are losing their life savings, losing jobs, and income. If you know someone who is facing devastation like this be in prayer for them, spend some time comforting them, just being there with them.

We talked yesterday about 3 actions we can take to help us get through grief. These are actions, you must act in order to succeed.
  1. Be honest with God and yourself.
  2. Be proactive about depression. Seek HELP!
  3. Trust that God is in control and He cares about what is going on.
Do you have someone you can turn to and trust with your pain? Are you trust worthy enough for someone to trust you with pain? Always be ready to care.