Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Sermon Challenge
Luke 16:19-31
The Rich Man and Lazarus

I'm not normally this late with my sermon challenge posting, but I really do have good excuses, which also includes helping my father-in-law pour cement at his new house. If you are a father-in-law, or have one, you know why I had to do what I did. . .

This week's sermon was scary for me. I don't talk a lot about hell. It's just not my favorite subject. I prefer many other things which is probably why this week was so good for me as I was able to really put this world into perspective. I can live confidently in knowing that when I die, my savior is waiting for me. With that hope and confidence in mind I press on working hard in this life to make an eternal difference. Not everyone around me has that hope, that makes my job all the more important. I MUST be sharing Jesus to a world dieing without him.

This week: Take some time to pray for those who do not know the Saviour. Do not live in fear, live in the confidence that comes from knowing Jesus. I spoke on Sunday about a couple friends of mine that I have lost, these guys lived their life with hope. I found this (actually someone found it for me) on the internet. Jeanne Clem is dieing of terminal cancer and she was asked by her church to share the joys and the struggles of know Jesus during this hard time. Check out this video here.

We do not need to be concerned about death. Paul says to this great enemy of man kind, "O Death where is your victory, where is your sting?" Be strong in that hope but please do not forget to share it with those who have none.

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